Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Mural Painting at Monteluz (Valencia, Spain)

At the end of September 13 people from our church in upstate New York visited Monteluz, a Christian retreat center near Valencia, Spain. For a week, we painted murals on the walls of Monteluz and developed strong, spiritual ties with each other, the Spanish people who run Monteluz, and with Christians who support Monteluz. The beauty that we experienced was by far ... by far .... by far ..... greater than anything we put on the walls. We'd be the greatest artists around if what we painted matched the beauty we experienced. Some of our painting efforts are shown below.

This picture shows the bottom of the stairs which is at the entrance to Monteluz. Murals were painted on the walls of the stairwell, dinning room, and conference room.

Showing middle and upper stairs. The hills in the mural are patterned after the hills surrounding the retreat center of Monteluz. Monteluz means "mountain of light" and is shown in front of the sun. There are three people on Monetluz with outstretched arms casting cross- shaped shadows on Monteluz.

Looking toward the top of the stairs. The stairwell, being at the entrance to the retreat center, was designed to welcome all people (silhouettes) and bring them closer to Christ who is pictured at the top of the stairs.

This picture shows the lower hall and the upper part of the stairs.

Lower hallway next to the stairs and entrance into the dinning hall.

This tree was painted on a wall of the conference room.

The walls of the conference room were faux painted. Just a few images were added to the walls. Also, new curtains were designed, sewn, and hung.

The credenza was refinished and fruits of the Spirit were added in Spanish and in English.

Jesus calming the storm. Dinning room.

Men fishing. Dinning room wall.

Franny (dressed in black) painted the portrait in the picture. This was a gift from Franny to Christina (with glasses) and her son. The portrait is a picture of Christina's husband who had recently passed away. Most of the artists on the trip contributed small works of art to be used throughout Monteluz.

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